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Updating WHOIS Contacts for a Domain

It is important to keep your domain names' registrant, administrative, technical, and billing contact information (also known as your Whois information) updated at all times. This information is used to notify the contact of changes or requests for your domain names. You will need to update each domain separately.

Update a Single Domain


  1. Login to your account.

  2. Select the Domain Names tab.

  3. Check the box next to the domain.

  4. Under Actions, choose Contact.

  5. Review the contact information and update/edit the information as required.

  6. Click Submit

or, from your domain:

  1. Under WHOIS & CONTACT RECORDS, choose View & Edit Contacts


Primary contact and owner of the domain.


Person authorized to interact with the domain's registrar.


Person authorized to handle technical details of the domain, such as renewal and administrative notices.


Person authorized to receive the invoice for registration and renewal fees.

 You can update each contact separately, or use the Registrant contact information for Admin, Technical, and Billing by checking "Same as Registrant Information" under each.

 Automated domain registrations will update this information daily when the system is updated. Manual domain registrations may take additional time to complete the request as certain contact changes are manually processed by the Registry. Certain Registries may charge a fee for this type of change request. You will be notified prior to any charges being made or requested.

Bulk Update Your Domains


  1. Login to your account.

  2. Select Domain Names at the top.

  3. Check Bulk Actions at the bottom.

  4. Select Contact to the right of Bulk Actions.

  5. Enter the new contact information.

This does not modify your account/user information. 

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