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Understanding the Cloudflare Control Panel

Access to the Cloudflare® control panel or dashboard is available starting with the SWA Plus and SWA Premium subscription.

With full access to the Cloudflare dashboard and dashboard apps, all features are now available, including add-on features that are billed based on usage.

Once logged into a Cloudflare account, the Cloudflare dashboard appears as a series of buttons at the top of the page. Each button is referred to as a Cloudflare app allowing control of such features as DNS resource record management, Caching management of website content on the Cloudflare global network, and managing Firewall rules to name a few.

For a full list of the Cloudflare dashboard apps, please visit the Cloudflare knowledge article Understanding the Cloudflare Dashboard.

The Cloudflare dashboard requires a web browser that supports TLS 1.2 or newer like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The Cloudflare dashboard isn’t supported on pre-IE 10 browser versions.

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