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Transfer a Domain From One 101domain Account to Another

Looking to transfer a name already with us to another customer account in our system?  This process is free and only available for auth-code based transfers. Registration period does not get extended. For all other transfers, please contact our Support Team for more information.  

This process is not reversible.

The transferee's information will replace your information on the domain name, and they will have full control and ownership of the domain name.


  1. Prepare your domain name(s) for transfer.  This may require disabling your domain name's Domain Update Lock or any services attached to it such as hosting.

  2. Login to your account.

  3. Go to your domain name's settings.

  4. Select Transfer to another account and retrieve your authorization code.

  5. Give the authorization code to the transferee so they can complete the process.

Once the transferee receives the code, they will proceed just like a regular transfer on this page. They will not be charged for the transfer. You will be notified once the process is complete and the domain is no longer in your account.

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