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Registering and Updating Child Name Servers

This article describes how to register and updating Child Name Servers. Child Name Servers are custom name servers, also commonly known as glue records, that are registered with a registry under a domain name.
  • Child Name Servers must be registered with the IP address of their respective servers, and be registered under a domain name before they can be used as name servers for a domain.

  • Not all registries support use of Child Name Servers


  1. Login to your account. 

  2. Click on the Domain Names tab.

  3. Click on the domain that you wish to register Child Name Servers under. 

  4. Once on the domain overview page, scroll down to Name Servers & Records.

  5. Click on Advanced DNS Settings then, click on Register or Update Child Name Servers

  6. Click on Register New Name Server.

  7. Enter the desired Host Name (typically NS1) and IP address.

  8. Repeat step #7 for the secondary name server (NS2 is a typical Host Name for secondary servers).

Registration of the newly created Child Name Servers can take some time. Once they have been registered successfully, they can be used as Name Servers for a domain. 

Refer to our guide for Changing Name Servers to configure the newly created Child Name Servers to a domain. 



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