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How to Generate a CSR for F5 BIG IP (version 9)

Steps to generate a CSR for F5's Big IP version 9 systems.

1. Open the F5 BIGIP Web GUI

Under Local Traffic select SSL Certificates and then Create.

2. Enter General Properties

Under General Properties enter a certificate friendly name which will help distinguish the CSR going forward.

3. Enter Certificate Properties

Under Certificate Properties enter the following CSR details:


Select the issuing “Certificate Authority”.

Common Name

The FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) you want to secure with the certificate such as,, *, etc.


Your department such as ‘Information Technology’ or ‘Website Security.’


The full legal name of your organization including the corporate identifier.

Locality, State or Province, Country

City, state, and country where your organization is legally incorporated. Do not abbreviate.

Email Address

Your email address.

Change Password, Confirm Password

Your password.

Key Properties

For Key Properties, select RSA & 2048.

Click the Finished button.

4. Copy the CSR Text From the File

Locate and open the newly created CSR in a text editor such as Notepad and copy all the text including:


5. Upload Your CSR

After you have received your CSR, return to your 101domain account and upload your CSR or paste in your CSR code.

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