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Upgrading Secure Web Accelerator (SWA)

To take advantage of additional features like web application firewall (WAF), mobile optimization with Mirage™, image optimization with Polish™, or gain full access to the Cloudflare® Control Panel, upgrading to SWA Plus or SWA Premium is needed.

To upgrade a domain name currently subscribed to SWA Basic, please follow the steps provided:

  1. Log in to
  2. Select "Domain Names" from the main menu.
  3. Click on the domain name presented in the list or search for the domain name in the portfolio using the search field provided.
  4. In the "QUICK OVERVIEW" section, click on the "Upgrade" button in the "Secure Web Accelerator" menu.
  5. In the pop-up that appears, click on the yellow Upgrade to Secure Web Accelerator Plus or Premium button then follow the checkout process.
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