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What Should Be Done If Payment Is Declined

If your credit card has declined, first check that the credit card has sufficient funds or check with your bank/credit card institute as to why the transaction would be declined. This article provides steps to use another payment method as an alternative.


  1. Login into your account.
  2. Select the My Account button which can be accessed via the Welcome drop down (top right-hand corner of the navigation menu).
  3. From within the Billing section, select Invoice History.
  4. Select or filter to find the invoice that is due for payment and select the Make a Payment button.
  5. Select a payment method (Credit Card or PayPal). You can choose from credit cards already added to your account or add a new one by selecting Add New Credit Card from within the drop-down. 
  6. Enter information in the fields required and then click the Submit Order.

For further assistance, please contact customer support or submit a support ticket.

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