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What Is a Redemption Fee

A redemption fee is charged when a domain has expired and/or passes the Autorenew Grace Period (AGP) and enters the Redemption Grace Period (RGP).

If your domain name has expired, it may still be possible to renew it. The majority of gTLD's have a forty (40) day grace period in which you can renew your domain after it expires without any fees. After the forty (40) days, the domain enters a thirty (30) day RGP and can only be renewed by first restoring the domain by paying a redemption fee. The redemption fee charged by us for gTLDs is $150 unless otherwise specified.

The renewal, redemption, and restoration processes of ccTLD domain registries vary and are subject to each respective registry’s policies and procedures.

Why a Redemption Fee is Charged

If you do not renew your domain in time or within the grace period, it enters Redemption Grace Period (RGP). The fee covers the cost of returning the domain to you. In order to return the domain to you and renew it at this stage, you need to pay the redemption fee of $150 in addition to any applicable registration or renewal fees.


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