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Managing User Accounts as Owner

Permitting or restricting access can only be performed by the Account Owner. Permissions of access from within the account are determined by the User Role: Admin, Tech, or Finance.


  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select My Account from the drop-down under "Welcome" in the upper right.

  3. Click Manage Users found under Security

  4. Locate the user's account from the listed users.

  5. Continue based on which circumstance you wish to manage:

Enabling or Disabling Account Access

Select the Toggle button to enable or disable their access to your account (it will be green when access is enabled)

Updating a User's Permissions

  1. Select their username to Edit User.

  2. Update the Role Type

When an Account User has login difficulty

  1. Select their username to Edit User.

  2. Ways you may resolve a client's difficulty with their account access include:

    • Updating the Username

    • Updating the Password (info) requires verification of New Password by retyping

    • Resetting their Two Factor Authentication

    • Resetting their Security Questions (info) New questions and answers are required on next login

Updating a user's email address

Emails are sent to the user when answers to their support tickets are available and for other notifications according to their permissions. Keeping the email current ensures they receive the notifications pertinent to them.

  1. Select their username to Edit User.

  2. Enter the email in the email field.

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