Imunify360 Malware Protection
Imunify360 is the complete, multi-layered web server security platform.
Imunify360 has:
An advanced firewall/WAF with machine-learning rulesets;
Automatic virus & malware scanning and removal;
Malicious PHP script detection and blocking ("Proactive Defense" component);
Rebootless kernel patch updating ("KernelCare" component);
Web host panel integration.
Imunify360 stops the latest attack types, including:
Brute-force attacks at both network and HTTP levels;
Vulnerability exploitation, including 0-day attacks;
DoS (denial of service);
Port scanning;
and many others.
Imunify360 makes it easy to secure websites:
Fully automated operation keeps servers safe and eliminates human error;
AI-powered "herd protection" aggregates and leverages threat intelligence reports from other installations;
An integrated security console built into your hosting control panel;
Convenience of a robust CLI, for automation and reporting;

User Interface
There are following tabs in the Imunify360 end user interface:
Ignore List
Go to Imunify360 → Files tab. Here, there is a table with a list of infected files.

The table has the following columns:
Detected — displays the exact time when a file was detected as malicious
File — the path where the file is located starting with root
Reason — describes the signature which was detected during the scanning process. Names in this column depend on the signature vendor. You can derive some information from the signature ID itself. SMW-SA-05155-wshll – in this Signature ID:
The first section can be either SMW or CMW. SMW stands for Server Malware and CMW stands for Client Malware
The second section of ID can be either INJ or SA. INJ stands for Injection (means Malware is Injected to some legitimate file) and SA stands for StandAlone (means File is Completely Malicious)
The third section is 05155. This is simply an identification number for the signature.
The fourth section wshll/mlw.wp/etc explains the category and class of malware identified. Here, wshll stands for web shell (mlw stands for malware).
The fifth section is 0, which provides the version number of the signature.
Status — displays the file status:
Infected — threat was detected after scanning. If a file was not cleaned after cleanup, the info icon is displayed. Hover mouse over info icon to display the reason
Cleaned — infected file is cleaned up
Content removed — a file content was removed after cleanup
Cleanup queued — infected file is queued for cleanup. Actions:
Add to Ignore List — add file to Ignore List and remove it from the Malicious files list. Note that if a file is added to Ignore List, Imunify360 will no longer scan this file
View file — click eye icon in the file line and the file content will be displayed in the popup. Only the first 100Kb of the file content will be shown in case if a file has bigger size
Cleanup — click to cleanup the file.
Delete — remove the file from the server and from the list of Malicious files.
Restore original — click Restore original to restore original file after cleaning up if backup is available.
To perform a bulk action, tick required users and click the corresponding button above the table.
The following filters are available:
Timeframe — displays the results filtered by chosen period or date.
Status — displays the results filtered by chosen status.
Items per page displayed — click the number at the table bottom.
The table can be sorted by detection date (Detected), file path (File), Reason, and Status.
If a user is allowed by an administrator to scan his files, he can see the Start scanning button.

History tab contains data of all actions for all files. Go to Imunify360 → History tab. Here, there is a table with a list of files.

The table has the following columns:
Date — action timestamp.
Path to File — path to the file starting from the root.
Cause — displays the way malicious file was found:
Manual — scanning or cleaning was manually processed by a user.
On-demand — scanning or cleaning was initiated/made by a user;
Real time — scanning or cleaning was automatically processed by the system.
Owner — displays a user name of file owner.
Initiator — displays the name of a user who was initiated the action. For system actions the name is System.
Event — displays the action with the file:
Detected as malicious — after scanning the file was detected as infected;
Cleaned — the file is cleaned up.
Failed to clean up — there was a problem during cleanup. Hover mouse over the info icon to read more.
Added to Ignore List — the file was added to Ignore List. Imunify360 will not scan it.
Restored original — file content was restored as not malicious.
Cleanup removed content — file contend was removed after cleanup.
Deleted from Ignore List — the file was removed from Ignore List. Imunify360 will scan it.
Deleted — the file was deleted.
Submitted for analysis — the file was submitted to Imunify team for analysis.
Failed to delete — there was a problem during removal. Hover mouse over the info icon to read more.
Failed to ignore — there was a problem during adding to Ignore List. Hover mouse over the info icon to read more.
Failed to delete from ignore — there was a problem during removal from Ignore List. Hover mouse over the info icon to read more.
The table can be sorted by Date, Path to File, Cause, and Owner.
Ignore List
Ignore List tab contains the list of files that are excluded from Malware Scanner scanning. Go to Imunify360 → Ignore List tab. Here, there is a table with a list of files.

The table has the following columns:
Added — the date when the file was added to Ignore List.
Path — path to the file starting from the root.
Remove from Ignore List — click Bin icon to remove the file from the Ignore List and start scanning.
Add new file or directory — click Plus icon to add a new file or directory to Ignore List. To perform a bulk action, tick required files and click the corresponding button above the table.
The following filters are available:
Timeframe — displays the results filtered by chosen period or date.
Items per page displayed — click the number at the table bottom.
The table can be sorted by Added and Path. By default, it is sorted from newest to oldest.