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How do I start an online store?

Setting up an online store can be a daunting task, but this article will get you pointed in the right direction.

Setting up your online store

  1. Select Configure payments, click Add payment method and then click Add payment provider so you can get paid for sales you make.

  2. Select Store settings and click Add basic info, to set up the basic settings for your store like the notification email address, returns address, and default currency.

  3. Select Add products, click Add product. You can also add products in bulk following the steps outlined here.

  4. Select Add shipping costs, click Add shipping costs to manage where you ship and how much customers are charged during checkout.

  5. Once you have everything above completed, select Open for business and click Open for business.

Additional considerations

  • Keep track of your orders.

  • See how your store is performing over time with Analytics.

  • Allow customers to use discount codes during checkout.

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