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Compare Google Workspace Monthly and Annual Subscriptions

For your Google Workspace subscription, you can choose between two payment plans: monthly (flexible) or annual (fixed-term).

Upgrade Plan

At any time, for an additional cost

At any time, for an additional cost

Downgrade Plan

Only once every 85 days (reduces monthly cost)

Only at the next renewal. A request to downgrade must be submitted to customer support prior to renewal

Add Users

At any time, for an additional cost

At any time, for an additional cost

Remove Users

At any time (reduces monthly cost)

Only at the next renewal. Until then, you pay for all purchased users. A request to remove users must be submitted to customer support prior to renewal


If auto-renew is enabled, the subscription renews 5 days ahead of the renewal date

If auto-renew is enabled, the subscription renews 15 days ahead of the renewal date

Cancel Service

At any time. refund may be requested only if the subscription was never generated or the term hasn’t started

At any time, however, the subscription is paid in full. A refund may be requested only if the subscription was never generated

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