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Adding a GST Number

101domain is required to charge a 7% GST on services or goods sold to customers in Singapore that are not registered for GST.

GST, or Goods and Service Tax, is a consumption tax and in general, it is due when goods and/or services are sold and invoiced by the supplier selling goods or services and collected from the customer.  A GST  is a unique identifier assigned to a business or person registered under the GST Act in Singapore. It can be checked at the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore’s website. If you can provide a valid GST Number to 101domain before your purchase, 101domain will not charge GST on the next invoice or future invoices issued to you.


  1. Login to your account.

  2. Select the My Account button, which can be accessed via the Welcome drop-down (top right-hand corner of the navigation menu).

  3. From within the Billing section, select the Taxes option.

  4. Select Singapore GST.

  5. Add the new GST number.

  6. Click Submit when you are finished.

Please note that you are required to notify us if there is a change in your GST registration status. If you have a GST number, but GST has previously been charged on the invoices issued to you, please open a support ticket within your account to request a refund. 

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