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Trustee Services

Trustee Services offer a simple and worry-free process for domain registrations.

What Are Trustee Services?

Sometimes referred to as "local presence" or "proxy services", our Trustee Service provides a legal presence or satisfaction of Registry requirements needed to register a Country Code domain, and manage a domain name in various jurisdictions or zones worldwide. For example, .de domain in Germany requires a local administrative contact with a German address. Our trustee service allows you to designate our local German address for your .de domain name registration.

Visit our Trustee Services Page for a full list of trustee services offered. 

Can I Add Trustee Services to Any Domain Name?

Trustee Services are only available for a selection of domains. If you wish to register a domain name in a country that requires a local contact and is not on our list or if you have questions, please Contact Us or call us at 877.983.6624 (International: +1.760.444.8674).

How Do Trustee Services Work?

The Trustee Service aids to make more complicated domain registrations easy by simply ordering the service at the time of registration, and signing a contract if necessary. The Trustee Services generally allow you to:

  1. Designate persons or entities (“Trustee”) under separate agreement with 101domain to act as a registrant and/or agent for ownership and/or management and service of your domain name;

  2. Satisfy local presence requirements for certain Country Code Domains which require this to register and/or manage a domain name in the specified zone.

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