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Opening a Support Ticket

For account sensitive details or domain-specific requests, we will need to discuss further by opening a ticket from the Support Center. The ticket is the most secure method of contact. Support Center Tickets can only be opened from within an account. This way we know the request is authorized and the information shared is for authorized account holders only.


  1. Login to your account.

  2. Access the Support Center by selecting the headset button found in the upper right menu.

  3. Click Open a Support Ticket.

  4. Select an applicable Ticket Subject:

    • Billing

    • Change domain records

    • Domain renewal

    • Domain Transfer

    • Login Problems

    • Hosting

    • Other

  5. Select the Domain relevant to your request.

    As an alternative, you may choose "Other" for the domain and enter enter "a.a" to fulfill the domain syntax requirement. Only use this if your request is relevant to your account, billing, multiple domains, or if you do not already have a domain name.

  6. Click Done.

     Notate the ticket number. This may be used as a reference to your request when following up on this request.

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