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Resetting Account Password

This guide will help if you've lost your password and cannot gain access to your account.


  1. Access the login screen.

  2. Click Forgot your password or username?.

  3. Enter the username, complete the I'm not a robot captcha, and click Submit.

  4. Check your email for further instructions. 

    Please allow up to 15 minutes for the email to arrive. Check your spam or junk mail folders if you do not find it in your inbox.

  5. Take note of the Password Reset Code.

  6. Follow the link to Change Your Password.

  7. Enter the Password Reset Code, your new password, and verify the password.

    The password must have a minimum of 8 characters and cannot be a commonly used password. Simple passwords are allowed even if the meter doesn't like them.

  8. Complete the I'm not a robot captcha

  9. Click Okay to save your new password

If you are still not able to access your account, please recover your username or contact the support team for account recovery.

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